Welcome to Consumer Corner!

This page of A Trini Web was inspired by the observations of the webmaster of the blatant disregard for consumers' rights that masquerades as Customer Service in T&T. We must protest this rape of our basic rights and freedoms as the buying population! If not, we are indirectly supporting those who do this and contributing to its continuance. The time has come for us as citizens of a developing nation to demand what should be our inalienable rights. Here you will find tips and tricks on surviving in the brutal jungle that is the Trini sales environment! The information is subdivided into topics to hopefully assist your ease of navigation....feel free to email suggestions or comments or constructive criticism on how this site may better serve your needs (or if you have already found one that serves your needs because I'd like to know about it!) If you have a customer service concern or tip, please feel free to submit it and this page will be updated with new tips and tricks for uneventful, safe and happy shopping experience!

Monetary transactions
Find information on which stores accept Linx (debit), credit (Mastercard, Visa, Discover etc) or other forms of payment. The list will be continuously updated with the major ones listed first.

Bargain finds
List of stores that have great stuff at good prices

Buyer Beware
Things to be wary of when making purchases and a charter of your rights as a consumer...yes, you do have rights! Links to governmental or other consumer websites also given here.

A list or links to current petitions that affect the consumers of T&T

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